Litopia Writers' Blogs

Entertaining & compelling writing from the dangerously-talented folk inside Litopia

Padre Pio and I

Eva Ulian

I’ve always had a sense of affinity with the Mystic Padre Pio and the fact that he was born the same day I was, May…

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Writing ‘Rules’

Claire Gallagher

Don’t Start with a Character Waking Up, Looking in the Mirror, or with a Hangover On Pop-Up Submissions, we received a lot of openings like…

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Writing Disability

Bev Dalton

(Disclaimer: although not politically perfect, I’m going to use the familiarity of the term ‘disability’ rather than, say, ‘differently abled’ in this post.) I’m gonna…

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A Younger Man’s Trousers

Michael James Treacy

Brown spots on the back of my hands and my daughters laugh when I dance. Bloomin’ awful ache in my back. And romance? There isn’t…

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Claire Gallagher

I decided to self-publish my contemporary romances after unsuccessful attempts at the traditional route. There are pros and cons to making this decision and lots…

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Skimming Stones

John Duffy

The pebble skimmed the surface ten times before running out of momentum, then seeming to flounder for a split second, sank into the dark still…

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Hide and Seek

Michael James Treacy

“I’m home, darling! Early finish today. Hurrah!” The masculine voice echoed through the house, and fell on the ears of Mrs Brown and the insurance…

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Italy: Liberation Day

Eva Ulian

The 25th April is a national holiday here in Italy and it’s called Liberation Day.  I had noticed, however, as the years went by, the…

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The Worst Part Of Being A Writer

Jason Locke

“So, what is the worst thing about being a writer?” my neighbor asks me at the Spring Social. “Ummmm,” I say, looking past him to…

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Writes and wrongs

Bev Dalton

Remember lockdown? Remember how we all got a bit excited in the first one and felt we had to make it count? And some of…

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