Litopia Writers' Blogs

Entertaining & compelling writing from the dangerously-talented folk inside Litopia

Pride Weekend

Jason Locke

This year, for the first, time, I noticed the absence of something in June: rainbows. I’d never been particularly in love with them. The fact…

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Bad Writing

Jake Joy

Lately, I’ve been hearing lots of complaints about awful writing. Not mine – people aren’t saying it to my face anyway – but some movies…

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AI at the G7 with the Pope

Eva Ulian

Originating from an informal meeting of finance ministers in 1973, in Washington DC, two years later the G6 established at its first meeting in Château…

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Forest bathing

Matt Schofield

A long-lost friend dropped by recently. Myka was in Berlin for a conference, and found herself with a free evening. We offered her a barbecue,…

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Play to Your Strengths

Claire Gallagher

Be Up-Front Agent Pete often says that writers should play to their strength and put it front and centre in the opening of their novel….

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Titles: What’s in a Name?

Claire Gallagher

A Rose By Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet, Right? The Silence of the Lambs, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Elinor Oliphant is Completely…

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I like this. You like that.

James Charles

Food, travel, books, movies, television shows, and on…and on… A family member of mine doesn’t like avocado. Won’t dip his chip into guacamole. YUM. A…

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Good Day

Michael James Treacy

Birdsong melded with forest fragrance . butterflies danced the exuberance of life . while I sipped Chateau Le Touron, Monbazillac. . I bathed in the…

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Think Like A Reader

Lyse Beck

I always find Beta reading such a great opportunity to learn. I discover things that I’m sure I do myself as a writer that I…

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What’s the deal?

Jake Joy

My experience with deal sites. This one is for the writers. Last week, I ran a promotion for my novel The Trouble with Prophecies. I…

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