Litopia Writers’ Reading List 2024

Peter Cox, founder of Litopia
I asked our members a simple question.
Which books have had the most profound impact on your development as a writer?
Here’s what they told me. A glorious cornucopia of more than forty definitive titles that ought to be on your reading list.
And note: if you buy them all (why not?) it will still be cheaper than taking one average-priced commercial writing course.
We’ve all enjoyed putting this list together, and we hope you get as much out of it as we have.
Peter Cox

On Writing by Stephen King
Our Summary
Leave it to the literary rock star to compose a craft book that’s as entertaining as a good novel. “This is a short book because most books about writing are filled with bullshit,” King writes. What follows is a witty, practical, and sometimes poignant guide that is refreshingly devoid of the aforementioned BS. King relates his personal story of becoming a writer, then offers a “toolkit” of clear advice about everything from dialogue and descriptive passages to revisions and the head game. And there’s more: tips for beginning writers on submitting work for publication, a mark-up of one of King’s own manuscripts, and a reading list. You might not be awake at 3 a.m. turning these pages, but we promise On Writing will open your eyes to essential tricks of the trade.
What I learned From It
Just write a story readers will read.
James Charles

Story Genius by Lisa Cron
Our Summary
It’s every novelist’s greatest fear: pouring their blood, sweat, and tears into writing hundreds of pages only to realize that their story has no sense of urgency, no internal logic, and so is a page one rewrite.
What I learned From It
The prevailing wisdom in the writing community is that there are just two ways around this problem: pantsing (winging it) and plotting (focusing on the external plot). Story coach Lisa Cron has spent her career discovering why these methods don’t work and coming up with a powerful alternative, based on the science behind what our brains are wired to crave in every story we read (and it’s not what you think).

Point Of View by Sandra Gerth
Our Summary
A clear, informative guide to the different types of POV with tips on choosing the best POV for your own manuscript. Offers exercises focused either on your work in progress or on a published book.
What I learned From It
I saw how to mix some POV, how and why to avoid head-hopping and picked up tips on internal monologue.

Writing Historical Fiction by Emma Darwin
Our Summary
A beginners' guide to writing historical fiction which draws on the material in her coaching sessions and lectures: characters, plot structure, research, using your senses to recreate the past and psychic distance. There are plenty of examples and exercises.
What I learned From It
I still dip into this book if I'm stuck in my writing or need some inspiration. It's practical rather than theoretical which works for me.
Liz Brown

Into The Woods: How Stories Work And Why We Tell Them by John Yorke
Our Summary
A structural guide to storytelling, plotting, punch, flow step by step
What I learned From It
Although such a step by step guide seems a bit prescriptive and in theory has the potential to limit the creative flow, I found that following the principles helped prevent a story from being a shapeless mass and made it take shape and form. A bit like a block of marble being turned into Michelangelo's David (although perhaps my results have been less classically terrific). Or a diving board: a structure from which to soar.

What’s Eating Gilbert Grape by Peter Hedges
Our Summary
This is a coming-of-age fiction book about a 24-year-old boy who feels stuck in his small town taking care of his overweight mother and special needs brother, while it feels like his other siblings and friends have moved on outside.
What I learned From It
I really learned alot about voice and character from reading this book. Gilbert Grape is an incredibly flawed character and can be pretty cruel at times, but I loved him. He emotes in ways that feel unconventional to a reader/are far from cliche. Rather than crying when he's sad, he takes it out through acting out at work or little internal jabs at other people. His relationship with his mother and siblings is fascinating to read, because he never says exactly how he feels about them, but his attitude changes throughout the book. Its just a really subtle way to draw a reader in and attach them to a character, even if he can be a jerk.

The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien

Secrets Of Story by Matt Bird
Our Summary
An award-winning screenwriter’s view of journeyman writing. How to hone in on and hone your story.
What I learned From It
Imagine your reader being on a long plane ride. Then imagine you are their seat mate. Are you the engaging stranger who entertains them with your sparkling wit and fascinating adventures? Do they want to take your name and keep in touch thereafter? Or are you the boring Uncle from Derry Girls that makes them consider opening the plane door and shoving you out?
Pamela Jo

Save the Cat Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody
Our Summary
Great for understanding genre, theme, 3 act structure. Very well explained. Lots of examples of story beats from popular books. Even looks at pitches and loglines.
What I Learned From It
I found the famous beat sheet really helpful in deciding when to do what in my novel. The biggest thing for me was understanding structure enough to keep those pages turning
Hannah F

The Negative Trait Thesaurus by Angela Ackerman And Becca Puglisi
Our Summary
Lists character traits to help you generate different types of characters and how these traits might manifest. Useful in conjunction with The Positive Trait Thesaurus.
What I learned From It
Helped me to write characters with more depth and think of a wider range of character types for my books.
Claire G

The Writer’s Journey by Christopher Vogler
Our Summary
This is Hollywood story consultant Vogler's distillation of Campbell's The Hero With A Thousand Faces. That is, it's a book on comparative mythology turned into a writing manual about the "Hero's Journey".
What I learned From It
See description in previous post of Campbell's The Hero With A Thousand Faces.

Hooked by Les Edgerton

The Elements Of Eloquence: Secrets Of The Perfect Turn Of Phrase by Mark Forsyth
Our Summary
This is a book with a clear message (from the blurb): In an age unhealthily obsessed with the power of substance, this is a book that highlights the importance of style.
What I learned From It
About thirty chapters each dedicated to a rhetorical figure. The book is a fun read and has plenty of examples from The Bible, Shakespeare and Tupac ( "Money don't make the man, but man I'm making money")

The Situation And The Story – The Art Of Personal Narrative by Vivian Gornick
Our Summary
Every work of literature has both a situation and a story, and modern memoir is all about the self that we become through life experience. She deftly illustrates this rather lofty theory with specific examples of how personal narrative is memorably crafted by different writers.
What I learned From It
Memoir is not about you or your life. It is about finding the truth and making sense of life experience to deliver a story that will resonate with readers. A hugely helpful read for anyone planning a memoir.
Mel L

Stein On Writing by Sol Stein
Our Summary
With examples from bestsellers as well as from students' drafts, Stein offers detailed sections on characterization, dialogue, pacing, flashbacks, trimming away flabby wording, the so-called "triage" method of revision, using the techniques of fiction to enliven nonfiction, and more.
What I learned From It
I got this in audio and it is like being called into the editors office and being told what goes, what stays. He talks about good writing, higher writing, yes. But always making it clear that you gotta get bums on seats,
Pamela Jo

Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
Our Summary
Down to earth advice, not so much about the craft per se as the practice (and pitfalls) of "being a writer".
What I learned From It
I'm actually still reading it, but so far I've got lots of encouragement from it. Her style is super informal and she has a wonderful dry wit, it's like a brilliant chat in the pub with someone who really knows their shit and you go away thinking, "yeah, I really can do this..."

Developing A Written Voice by Dona J Hickey
Our Summary
This dense work focuses on a directed attitude towards developing Voice. From conversational to formal, snarky to respectful, it's all about word choice and the way that language will both sound and convey meaning. The same words with the same meaning can nevertheless be ordered in different ways with a difference in the way they are perceived, the it is this that comprises 'voice'. Replete with concrete examples and pertinent exercises, this book is hard to find but well worth the search.
What I learned From It
All writers have a voice, but not all work at developing it - or even possess a framework for it. This book provides a framework and it's a book I will continue working through for years to come.
Dan Payne

The INFJ Writer by Lauren Sapala
Our Summary
Writing (and living) advice for people whose brains don't work well with logic, plotting etc. Another perspective! (The letters refer to Myers-Briggs type personality indicators, which aren't flawless, but broadly if you tend to be led more by feelings and intuitive reasoning, this might work for you).
What I Learned From It
I'd been getting super snarled up trying to follow advice that just didn't work for me in practice, even though I could see it made theoretical sense. This book gave me a bit of space to trust myself to learn my own process. I've still got a long way to go but I do a lot less bashing my head against a brick wall these days. Sharing it in case anyone else is in the same boat!

Writing for Emotional Impact by Karl Iglesias
Our Summary
It delves into the psychology of the reader and techniques to create emotional scenes within your storytelling, including in dialogue.
What I Learned From It
This author's way of teaching the craft really chimes with me. It's quite an expensive book but worth it in my opinion. For me, this book takes me into a layer above plot and structure.
Hannah F

Intuitive Editing by Tiffany Yates Martin
Our Summary
Everything you could possibly need to know to get your manuscript to submission or self-publishing standards.
What I Learned From It
This book is gold dust. Made me think objectively about everything I've been doing or hope to do.
Vagabond Heart
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