Jake Joy

Jake Joy is known inside the Colony as Jake E. If you’re not yet a member, join us now.

Born in the tiny city of Wells, Somerset, I spent my formative years in the fields and woods of the countryside... until I got a PlayStation, then not so much. But those early memories of running about the woods with my brothers are what fuel my writing. The games and stories we played have stuck with me, and often, characters from those games appear in my stories.

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Latest Writings from Jake Joy


Writing As A Job…

Recently, I came across a fiery argument on multiple social media platforms around the topic a writer compensation. On the face of it, it shouldn’t...

Bombing in the reviews

  An indie author often lives or dies based on their books’ ratings and reviews. Okay, maybe that was a touch dramatic. Often, it’s a...

Beware the snake oil salesman.

When I first started down this self-publishing journey, I heard quiet rumours of the dangers of scammers. I knew they were out there. I knew...
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AI – The ‘loom’ of our time.

I’ve been avoiding the subject of AI for a long time. I’ve tried to ignore it, tried to pretend it won’t be as big a...

Shrek – a Masterclass in writing character

I recently had a great movie night with my daughter. We made a fort (three kitchen chairs with a blanket thrown over the top and...

Good Writing

I recently wrote a blog post about bad writing in current media and decided that this month I would write about good writing instead. Bad...

Bad Writing

Lately, I’ve been hearing lots of complaints about awful writing. Not mine – people aren’t saying it to my face anyway – but some movies...

What’s The Deal? My Experience with Deal Sites

My experience with deal sites. This one is for the writers. Last week, I ran a promotion for my novel The Trouble with Prophecies. I...
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Stories that stay with you

Last time, I spoke about stories that stay with you – or more accurately, the ones that don’t. This month, I want to take some...

Where Did All The Stories Go?

The last few weeks, I have been replaying a video game from my distant past. An old favourite by the name of Final Fantasy VII....

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