
Our ever-growing range of seminars gives you the crucial insights and practical knowledge you need in order for your writing to flourish. And they’re all included within the cost of your yearly Full Membership.

That’s right: Litopia’s seminars are free to Full Members. Acquiring essential writing know-how ought not to be packaged and sold as a luxury product (I wrote an editorial for The Bookseller on this topic which you’re welcome to peruse).

I hope you agree this represents the best value anywhere on the ‘net.

You may be interested to learn that our seminars have a unique gestation process. First, they will be tested as live presentations during our near-legendary weekly Writers’ Huddles. This is how Litopians develop and test their own titles, blurbs, synopses, first chapters and cover letters: and this unique process works just as brilliantly for our writers’ seminars. The comments and feedback Huddlers provide are used to improve the final seminars you’re about to watch!

How To Access The Seminars

You can access all our seminars from your Account Portal. Click on the “Courses” link in the main menu.

If you can’t see anything there, please upgrade to Full Membership.