New Seminar: The Joy of Synopses

New Seminar: The Joy of Synopses

Writing a synopsis is surely the most unrewarding part of most writers’ lives.  Synopses are widely disliked because, in general, writers simply don’t understand how to approach the job.

In this eye-opening seminar from Litopia, we will show you how a good synopsis can be a writer’s best friend at every stage of a manuscript’s development and sale. We aim to change your mind about the humble synopsis!

“The Joy of Synopses” is a highly practical seminar: with downloadables, examples from best-sellers and even a quiz to take at the end!  It covers…

  • What A Synopsis Can – And Can’t – Do
  • Why There Are Two Completely Different Types Of Synopses
  • The Synopsis Can Help You Write Your Book And Sell It – If You Understand How To Use It
  • The Working Synopsis Vs. The Submission Synopsis
  • How To Construct A Big Picture Synopsis – And What It Does
  • How To Construct A Rope Ladder Synopsis – And What It Does
  • How To Use Your Working Synopsis To Create A Compelling Submission Synopsis

As with all Litopia’s seminars, “The Joy of Synopses” is included in your Full Membership subscription. If you’re not yet a Full Member, you can upgrade now and start this seminar right away!

NB: Litopia’s seminars now have a new home – you can access them from your Account Portal.  Or just click here to go straight to this seminar.