Whatever You’re Writing...
Your Journey To Success
Starts With Litopia.

You’ve seen all the other websites that promise you’ll become a bestselling author… If only you’ll pay for their courses or editing services.

None of them are cheap. Some of them are extortionate.

Litopia isn’t like that.

Jane Austen never paid for a writing course. Dickens didn’t dole out for pricey seminars.

Here At Litopia
We Do Things
The Traditional Way.

Writers working with other writers.

Honing your craft. Developing your own unique voice. Solidly building your personal writing confidence.

It’s the proven way.

Battle-tested by generations of writers just like you.

And no hard sell.

Here’s How It Works

Develop Your Concept

You’ve got an idea for a book – excellent!

First use the Writing Lab to hone your concept to perfection. Then move on to the weekly Huddle for expert advice, mentoring and fine-tuning.

We’re with you every step of the way.

Writing – And Rewriting

First draft, second draft and beyond… Total support as you write and rewrite. The Litopia® Method is critiquing evolved.

No more hit-and-miss.

You won’t look back.

Publishing & Beyond

Delivering a killer manuscript is just the start. Titles, blurbs, synopses, cover letters to agents – we’re your backroom team.

Or maybe you’re considering the burgeoning area of self-publishing? We can guide you through that, too.

Welcome to Litopia… We Know About Writing.

Established over two decades ago, Litopia is by far the oldest community for writers on the ‘net. Unsurprisingly, when it comes to getting published, we know what works – and what doesn’t.

Our low, yearly membership fee buys you everything you need to line your book up for publication. You really don’t need to spend more.

All the seminars and mentoring you need are included. Without the exorbitant price tag that other sites try to get away with.

Join us now for free. Then upgrade to Full Membership when it suits you.

  • Writing Seminars

    Clear & concise information at your fingertips when you need it.

  • Advice & Mentoring

    Every week our live Writers' Huddle offers expert advice & personal mentoring.

  • Critiques & Beta-Reads

    Thoughtful and helpful critiques and beta-reads from the Writing Lab.


What Our Members Say…


Basic Membership Is Free.

Basic membership is enough for many writers.

Benefit from unlimited access to the Writing Lab for critiques using the Litopia® Method… Start your own writer’s blog on our powerful platform… And of course, maximum support from the oldest and friendliest community for writers on the ‘net.

Full Membership Is Only $149.95 For An Entire Year

Everything in Basic Membership plus unlimited access to all our writing seminars and unlimited access to our weekly live Writers’ Huddles for personal mentoring & coaching.

The Litopia Difference

Everyone agrees that Litopia is a special place. Here are some of the features that set us – and our members – apart

Save your money. It shouldn’t cost a fortune to hone your writing skills.

No Hard Sell

While many other writing websites try to lure you in and then upsell you, Litopia’s offering is simple, very honest – and comprehensive. Our affordable Full Membership includes everything.


Seminars Included

Litopia’s world-class writing seminars are comprehensively included in your Full Membership.

Your own private sweatshop.

Critiquing V2.0

The Litopia® Method is critiquing evolved. No more hit-and-miss. You won’t look back.

Litopia Writers' Huddle. Virtually unbeatable.

Mentoring Included

Litopia’s Weekly Writers’ Huddles provide consistent personal mentoring as you and your project develop. That’s how the craft of writing has traditionally been cultivated: step by step. Bring your questions, your first chapters-in-progress… or just bring yourself and a glass of something. If you live in the global South, we now have a special monthly…

Literary agent Peter Cox. Partially tame.

Agent Inside

With deals worth millions of dollars / pounds, literary agent Peter Cox knows the business as few others do. The author of several UK national No.1 bestsellers, Peter founded Litopia.

The Traditional Way

The Proven Way

You have a choice. Are you going to hone your craft the proven way as generations of writers before you have done – or will you fall for an expensive quick-fix? Don’t be taken in: writing success takes time, and anyone who says otherwise is selling something!


Yes, We’re Old!

With over two decades of experience, Litopia is the oldest writing colony on the net. We know what writers need at every stage of their development. You’re in good hands.

need writers

Writers Need Writers

Your personal writer’s journey is unique to you. But that doesn’t mean others can’t help you along the way. Writers flourish in the company of other writers: that’s how the art, craft and magic of writing have traditionally been transmitted. Your skills and confidence will naturally flourish here. Friendships are forged here. Writing partnerships too.


“I’ve Got This Idea…”

Writers often have great book ideas but don’t quite know how to develop them.  We can guide you from lightbulb moment right through to your final manuscript. Developing a project’s commercial potential is one of the things we focus on during our weekly Huddles.


Future Proof

The publishing industry has changed more in the past few years than many believed possible. Where is it headed, and where do the opportunities lie? Our members will be the first to know.


Privacy Built In

When you show your work-in-progress for a critique or quick reaction, you don’t want the entire internet to see it, do you? Litopia has the best author-privacy settings of any writing website, period. You decide who sees your work – and when you delete it, it’s gone for good.

Basic Membership Is Free.

Basic membership is enough for many writers.

Benefit from unlimited access to the Writing Lab for critiques using the Litopia® Method… Start your own writer’s blog on our powerful platform… And of course, maximum support from the oldest and friendliest community for writers on the ‘net.

Full Membership Is Only $149.95 For An Entire Year

Everything in Basic Membership plus unlimited access to all our writing seminars and unlimited access to our weekly live Writers’ Huddles for personal mentoring & coaching.