Your Journey To Writing Success Starts Here.

Litopia is the oldest & best colony for writers on the ‘net, bar none.

We have helped countless numbers of writers take the next step on their personal writing journeys: not by selling them highly-priced courses or dubious consultancies, but by nurturing their skills the traditional way – the way it’s always been done.

It’s worked for generations of writers in the past, and it can work for you, today.

Your skills, confidence and knowledge will naturally flourish here. We’d love you to become a part of our Colony!

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Benefit from unlimited access to the Writing Lab for critiques using the Litopia® Method… Start your own writer’s blog on our powerful platform… And of course, maximum support from the oldest and friendliest community for writers on the ‘net.

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Everything in Basic Membership plus unlimited access to all our writing seminars and unlimited access to our weekly live Writers’ Huddles for personal mentoring & coaching.