The Eternal Curse Of The Storytelling Class

The adage that “truth is stranger than fiction” has no obvious origin, and is most likely as old as storytelling itself. Lord Byron poetically referenced it in 1823 but, to my mind, this only points to the aphorism’s antiquity. He certainly didn’t coin the phrase. My hunch is that it’s a pre-cuneiform sentiment, exemplifying the…

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Agenda for Saturday’s Huddle

Here’s the running order for tomorrow’s Huddle, Saturday 20th July.  all times UK. For times in your region, click here. 4:30pm – 5:00pm The Salon You can log in from 4:30pm onwards, using the Zoom link you’ll receive after you’ve registered to attend. For the following half hour, it’s an open-house literary salon… feel free…

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New Seminar: The Joy of Synopses

Writing a synopsis is surely the most unrewarding part of most writers’ lives.  Synopses are widely disliked because, in general, writers simply don’t understand how to approach the job. In this eye-opening seminar from Litopia, we will show you how a good synopsis can be a writer’s best friend at every stage of a manuscript’s…

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OK, Author… What’s Your Strategy?

Here’s an interesting new word for you: Antimetabole It’s the name for a commonly-used rhetorical device in which words or phrases are repeated in reverse order to make a memorable point.  You’ve seen or heard it thousands of times. John F. Kennedy’s famous quote uses antimetabole: “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your…

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Weekly Blog Digest Is Live Now

It’s Saturday morning and your mind needs feeding. Well, that one’s easy. Now you can subscribe to Litopia’s very own blog mailing. A dew-fresh digest of the week’s best writing from Litopia’s bloggers. A feast for your mind. Funny, piquant, moving, cheeky, informative. So let your inbox host the banquet: it’s free to subscribe, below.

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Where Does Inspiration Come From? A Guide For Writers

I’ve always been fascinated by the subject of authors’ inspiration. It’s actually one of the most common questions that readers ask their favourite writer – “but how do you get your ideas…?” And probably one of the most difficult for writers to answer. In this week’s Huddle, I’d like us to compare notes. The surrealist…

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Writing A Killer Author Bio

Writing about yourself in the third person is the hardest thing for many writers.  Yet that’s what you constantly are required to do in today’s writing marketplace. Amazon pages. Cover letters. Jacket blurbs. Even Litopia’s new blogging platform.  You’ve got to produce a compelling, tight author bio while keeping to a strict word count. So…

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