Thank You For Joining Litopia!

Your subscription has been set up successfully.  If you‘re joining for the first time, you will shortly receive two emails from us. For security reasons, we give members two different logins:

Your Account Portal Login

Your Account Portal is the place where personal information (such as your email address) is kept. You can also access our seminars from this area.

This is the link to log in to your Account Portal

You can log in to your Account Portal using the username and password you’ve just specified.  Might be a good idea to bookmark it

Your Colony Login

This is the link to log in to the Colony

This is how you’ll access the Colony on a daily basis. You can log in using the username you’ve just specified. However, for security reaaons, the passsword will be different to your Account Portal password.

We’re automatically sending you a Colony login password right now. If you don’t receive in within ten minutes and have checked your spam folder, please contact us as below and we’ll assist.


If you have any problems signing up, we’re here to help!